Donate to SHoWLE

Donate to the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie

Please help us provide a supportive local community for humanists and other nontheists, while promoting ethical and reasonable secular world views through education, community service, outreach, activism, and social events. There are several ways to donate.

Donate Cash

We accept all major credit cards and Venmo using the following form. Transactions are processed by PayPal. If you aren’t seeing a graphic with a “Donate Now” button below then click on the donate button further down to donate directly through PayPal. Scroll down further for QR codes for PayPal, Venmo, and Cash App.

Donations are tax deductible. When considering an amount to donate, keep in mind that the group pays to have donations processed online.

Just click on the donate button below to use PayPal

We also accept donations through these apps:


Other ways to donate

You can also help SHoWLE while shopping. We are members of Kroger Cares.

Use our group number XC299 or do a search on our name

SHoWLE Wish List – List of items you can purchase and have sent to us or make arrangements to drop off.

If you sell on ebay or know someone who does, choose SHoWLE as your charity to donate a portion of sales.

Describing how to make a donation using our page