Help Send GCH to Chicago

The American Humanist Association is hold­ing their 2025 nation­al con­fer­ence in Chicago the week­end of June 27th and Doug would like to take the Glass City Humanist there but he needs some help.

Doug has lim­it­ed income and the pod­cast is free to lis­ten to so he needs help fund­ing a trip to the con­fer­ence.

The plan is to con­duct some inter­views with speak­ers and atten­dees and live stream some con­tent from the con­fer­ence. Material will be record­ed and used for future episodes as well as being used on WAKT dur­ing the GCH’s time slot on Tuesdays.

Here are the costs expect­ed:

Conference fees $150 min­i­mum (Doug has paid them)

Car Rental $300 for the week­end (if you have a decent car and would like to dri­ve and attend the event on your own let us know or if you would like to help out with the rental car that’s fine too — this cost does­n’t include gas)

Hotel $250 a night at least $700 total (stay Thursday night through Saturday night — down­town Chicago is expen­sive)

Parking: at least $150 for the week­end

An alter­na­tive is to stay out­side the down­town area and dri­ve in or take pub­lic trans­porta­tion. This would depend on how much mon­ey is raised.

Levels of Support

Patron: $25 to $100 — a gen­er­al thank you to patrons dur­ing any con­tent cre­at­ed from the trip, not­ed on the GCH web­site and includ­ed in any video cred­its

Sponsor: $101 to $499 Same as Patron but will also include a spe­cial named shout out dur­ing any record­ed con­tent. A spe­cial poster suit­able for fram­ing with my thanks.

Supporting AF: $500 and above same as Patron and spon­sor. Includes a lim­it­ed edi­tion con­fer­ence themed GCH t‑shirt and a bev­er­age glass with the GCH logo.

BF Named Sponsor: $1000 (only 1 avail­able) every­thing in the pre­vi­ous lev­els but for any con­tent involv­ing the con­fer­ence the show title will be said as “Glass City Humanist spon­sored by…” with your name. Your name will be men­tioned at least four times dur­ing record­ed con­tent and your name will be includ­ed in any con­fer­ence relat­ed swag pro­duced to hand out.

*Note* You aren’t required to include your name in these lev­els if you don’t wish to be pub­licly known. You can choose a pseu­do­nym for us to use or allow us to come up with one. You can also spon­sor the show for anoth­er group. Just dis­cuss it with us.

Other Notes

Any funds raised above that need­ed for the actu­al costs will be rolled back into the pod­cast for future pur­chas­es of swag, soft­ware, or pro­duc­tion tools. Donations are not tax deductible.

This fundrais­er is being con­duct­ed on the assump­tion of the con­fer­ence tak­ing place and Doug attend­ing. If for any rea­son, not meet­ing our goal, a nat­ur­al dis­as­ter, a local emer­gency, ill­ness, the con­fer­ence is can­celed or Doug is not able to attend, all donors will be offered refunds. Donors can also ask their dona­tions be redi­rect­ed to the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie. You may also ask for a refund any­time until May 1, 2025.


Fill out the infor­ma­tion in the form:

If the form is not show­ing on this page (above this text) click on this link to go to the form.

Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](
Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](