Monthly Treasury Reports

SHoWLE will post month­ly and end of fis­cal year sum­maries of our trea­sury. Due to pri­va­cy rea­sons, per­son­al infor­ma­tion of donors or oth­er per­son­al infor­ma­tion will be redact­ed or not includ­ed in the sum­maries post­ed here. If you are a vot­ing mem­ber and would like to see a more detailed account­ing of the group finances feel free to con­tact an offi­cer or use our con­tact form. We will make arrange­ments for you to see the books. If you are look­ing for Board of Directors meet­ing min­utes click here. If you wish to see copies of our 990 fil­ings click here.

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