Board Meeting Minutes

Here you can read the min­utes of the Board of Directors of the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie. There will also be min­utes of oth­er com­mit­tee meet­ings when nec­es­sary. The Board typ­i­cal­ly meets each quar­ter. (November, January, March, May, July, and September) online using the Zoom app or inper­son. The Board can also be called for a meet­ing by the President or by a vote of the mem­ber­ship. Voting mem­bers are always wel­come to attend Board meet­ings. Just fill out our con­tact form and we will get you the link.

Treasury sum­maries can be found here.


November 2019 Board Meeting

FY2019 Members Meeting October 12, 2019

September 2019 Board Meeting

August 2019 Board Meeting

July 2019 Board Meeting (no Board meet­ing held)

June 2019 Board Meeting (no Board meet­ing held)

May 2019 Board Meeting

April 2019 Board Meeting

March 2019 (no Board meet­ing held)

February 2019 Board Meeting

January 2019 Board Meeting