Media Clippings and Videos

Secular of Humanists of Western Lake Erie (SHoWLE) will post any press it gets on this page. If you are a mem­ber of the media or are look­ing to arrange a speak­er, vis­it our Speaker and Media Inquiries page.

SHoWLE President Douglas Berger had a letter-to-the-editor pub­lished in the Toledo Blade respond­ing to an Editorial that tried to “both sides” the Trans women in sports big­otry. If you wish to read the Editorial here is the link.

Image of a clipping showing the letter to the editor published on 01/21/2025

SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a let­ter to the edi­tor pub­lished in the Sandusky Register. It con­cerned LifeWise Academy and House Bill 445.

SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a let­ter to the edi­tor pub­lished about the racist imagery and lan­guage used in some cam­paign lit­er­a­ture he got in the mail.

SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a let­ter to the edi­tor pub­lished thank­ing Governor DeWine for his veto of House Bill 68 that would ban gender-affirming care for kids in the state:

October 22, 2023

SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a let­ter to the edi­tor pub­lished respond­ing to a let­ter by Bishop Daniel E. Thomas of the Diocese of Toledo that opposed State Issue 1 the Reproductive Rights Amendment. On the web­site and the print­ed ver­sion, Doug’s let­ter is the 2nd one on the page.

SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a let­ter to the edi­tor pub­lished com­ment­ing on State Issue 1 that would change how cit­i­zens could amend the Ohio con­sti­tu­tion. Published in the Toledo Blade on 08/06/2023

SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a let­ter to the edi­tor pub­lished com­ment­ing on edi­to­r­i­al sup­port­ing anti-trans ath­lete Riley Gaines who appeared in Toledo to give speech filled with big­otry.

February 4, 2023

SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a let­ter to the edi­tor pub­lished that respond­ed to anoth­er let­ter writer who said one fac­tor in the rise in crime is bad par­ent­ing but he also said the par­ent had the ulti­mate author­i­ty at home and the gov­ern­ment should respect that.

December 15, 2022

SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a let­ter pub­lished in the Toledo Blade that called out a group made up of for­mer Toledo may­ors that don’t seem to have any real plan to reduce vio­lent crime in the city oth­er than a block watch. *Note* This let­ter was a “fea­tured” let­ter on the print­ed page.

August 28, 2022

SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a let­ter to the edi­tor pub­lished that talked about a law­suit filed by some par­ents who want­ed the local pub­lic school dis­trict to pro­vide spe­cial ser­vice for their chil­dren who attend a pri­vate sec­tar­i­an school.

May 5, 2022

SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a let­ter pub­lished tak­ing the Toledo Blade to task for an arti­cle about a pro­fes­sor who set­tled a law­suit over his refusal to use a stu­den­t’s pre­ferred pro­nouns:

March 6, 2022

SHoWLE President Doug Berger con­tributed to a fea­ture arti­cle in the Religion sec­tion of the Toledo Blade about the top­ic of Anti-natalism. Anti-natalists argue that humans should abstain from pro­cre­ation because it is moral­ly wrong. If you sub­scribe to the Toledo Blade it was print­ed on page F1 and is found on the web­site and e‑Blade. If you wish to read the arti­cle and don’t have sub­scrip­tion then click HERE.

June 22, 2021

SHoWLE President Doug Berger, Secretary Shawn Meagley, and mem­ber Marcee L. cel­e­brat­ed World Humanist Day by protest­ing the anti-science views of polit­i­cal peo­ple in Columbus and else­where. The Toledo Blade wrote up a nice sto­ry about it.

May 16, 2021

SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a Letter-to-the-editor pub­lished on the web­site of the Lima (OH) News: (here is the link to the Op/Ed Doug is writ­ing about)

May 5, 2021

SHoWLE President Doug Berger’s let­ter to the edi­tor in the Toledo Blade hon­or­ing the National Day of Reason:

May 2, 2021

SHoWLE’s National Day of Reason event on that day men­tioned on the reli­gion page of the Toledo Blade:

January 3, 2021

SHoWLE got a shout out in the Sunday Toledo Blade for the press release we sent out ear­li­er in the week com­plain­ing about Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost tak­ing the side of some reli­gious schools in a fed­er­al law­suit against a Lucas coun­ty pub­lic health order.

December 13, 2020

President Doug Berger had a let­ter to the edi­tor pub­lished point­ing out the prob­lems with a fed­er­al law­suit filed by three reli­gious schools against a Lucas County pub­lic health order that tem­po­rary closed schools for in-person instruc­tion until January 11, 2021.

February 8, 2020

Our new pod­cast Glass City Humanist got a shout out in the reli­gion sec­tion of the Toledo Blade on Saturday 

More clips and videos are avail­able on the pages linked below. Just click on a num­ber

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