Privacy Policy

Who we are

We are the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie. Our web­site address is:

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Member Information

Joining SHoWLE we ask for your name, email, postal address, and phone num­ber. This infor­ma­tion is need­ed to pro­vide you the ben­e­fits of mem­ber­ship in the group. Although we don’t share mem­ber­ship infor­ma­tion out­side the group, we are oblig­at­ed to share your mem­ber­ship info with the American Humanist Association as part of being a chap­ter of the nation­al group. At the time you join and at any point there­after you may opt-out of shar­ing your infor­ma­tion — just con­tact us.

Donor Information

Donor infor­ma­tion is nev­er shared out­side the Board of Directors with­out the donor’s per­mis­sion. Donor names and amount donat­ed are kept in strict con­fi­dence with­in the lim­its of the IRS tax codes. If you pro­vide con­tact infor­ma­tion we will send you a thanky­ou mes­sage and if you request a record of the dona­tion for tax pur­pos­es just con­tact us using our con­tact form or call us.


When vis­i­tors leave com­ments on the site, we col­lect the data shown in the com­ments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and brows­er user agent string to help spam detec­tion.

An anonymized string cre­at­ed from your email address (also called a hash) may be pro­vid­ed to the Gravatar ser­vice to see if you are using it. The Gravatar ser­vice pri­va­cy pol­i­cy is avail­able here: After approval of your com­ment, your pro­file pic­ture is vis­i­ble to the pub­lic in the con­text of your com­ment.


If you upload images to the web­site, you should avoid upload­ing images with embed­ded loca­tion data (EXIF GPS) includ­ed. Visitors to the web­site can down­load and extract any loca­tion data from images on the web­site.

Contact forms

Information entered in our con­tact forms is not retained or stored on the web­site. The data is sent to some­one in our group who tracks and responds to peo­ple who send us con­tact infor­ma­tion for gen­er­al or mem­ber­ship pur­pos­es.


If you leave a com­ment on our site you may opt-in to sav­ing your name, email address and web­site in cook­ies. These are for your con­ve­nience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave anoth­er com­ment. These cook­ies will last for one year.

If you have an account and you log in to this site, we will set a tem­po­rary cook­ie to deter­mine if your brows­er accepts cook­ies. This cook­ie con­tains no per­son­al data and is dis­card­ed when you close your brows­er.

When you log in, we will also set up sev­er­al cook­ies to save your login infor­ma­tion and your screen dis­play choic­es. Login cook­ies last for two days, and screen options cook­ies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will per­sist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cook­ies will be removed.

If you edit or pub­lish an arti­cle, an addi­tion­al cook­ie will be saved in your brows­er. This cook­ie includes no per­son­al data and sim­ply indi­cates the post ID of the arti­cle you just edit­ed. It expires after 1 day.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embed­ded con­tent (e.g. videos, images, arti­cles, etc.). Embedded con­tent from oth­er web­sites behaves in the exact same way as if the vis­i­tor has vis­it­ed the oth­er web­site.

These web­sites may col­lect data about you, use cook­ies, embed addi­tion­al third-party track­ing, and mon­i­tor your inter­ac­tion with that embed­ded con­tent, includ­ing trac­ing your inter­ac­tion with the embed­ded con­tent if you have an account and are logged in to that web­site.


Who we share your data with:

We don’t share data with any­one out­side of our group.

How long we retain your data

If you leave a com­ment, the com­ment and its meta­da­ta are retained indef­i­nite­ly. This is so we can rec­og­nize and approve any follow-up com­ments auto­mat­i­cal­ly instead of hold­ing them in a mod­er­a­tion queue.

For users that reg­is­ter on our web­site (if any), we also store the per­son­al infor­ma­tion they pro­vide in their user pro­file. All users can see, edit, or delete their per­son­al infor­ma­tion at any time (except they can­not change their user­name). Website admin­is­tra­tors can also see and edit that infor­ma­tion.

What rights you have over your data

If you have an account on this site, or have left com­ments, you can request to receive an export­ed file of the per­son­al data we hold about you, includ­ing any data you have pro­vid­ed to us. You can also request that we erase any per­son­al data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are oblig­ed to keep for admin­is­tra­tive, legal, or secu­ri­ty pur­pos­es.

Where we send your data

Visitor com­ments may be checked through an auto­mat­ed spam detec­tion ser­vice.

We do not share, sell, or send vis­i­tor data to any­one. Members data won’t be sold, shared, or sent  to any­one except for our oblig­a­tion as a chap­ter of the American Humanist Association. Data obtained for mem­ber­ship rea­sons is not retained on the web­site.

Our contact information:

For ques­tions please fill out our con­tact form

Additional information

How we protect your data: 

The login info and pass­words are lim­it­ed to only those who need access to the site to do admin­is­tra­tion work. Those cre­den­tials are changed on reg­u­lar basis.

What data breach procedures we have in place:

This site is host­ed by a com­pa­ny that has pro­ce­dures in place. They would take the lead if a breach came from out­side the ser­vice.

If the breach hap­pened inter­nal­ly then all cre­den­tials would be changed and peo­ple who had any data exposed would be noti­fied.

What third parties we receive data from :


What automated decision-making and/or profiling we do with user data:


Industry regulatory disclosure requirements:


Plugin Privacy

This web­site uses sev­er­al plu­g­ins that ared used to improve the vis­i­tor’s time. Here are the pri­va­cy notes on the plu­g­ins used:

Comment Likes

This fea­ture is only acces­si­ble to users logged in to

Data Used: In order to process a com­ment like, the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is used: user ID/username (you must be logged in to use this fea­ture), the local site-specific user ID (if the user is signed in to the site on which the like occurred), and a true/false data point that tells us if the user liked a spe­cif­ic com­ment. If you per­form a like action from one of our mobile apps, some addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion is used to track the activ­i­ty: IP address, user agent, time­stamp of event, blog ID, brows­er lan­guage, coun­try code, and device info.

Activity Tracked: Comment likes.

Gravatar Hovercards

Data Used: This fea­ture will send a hash of the user’s email address (if logged in to the site or — or if they sub­mit­ted a com­ment on the site using their email address that is attached to an active Gravatar pro­file) to the Gravatar ser­vice (also owned by Automattic) in order to retrieve their pro­file image.

Infinite Scroll

Data Used: In order to record page views via Stats (which must be enabled for page view track­ing here to work) with addi­tion­al loads, the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is used: IP address, user ID (if logged in), user­name (if logged in), user agent, vis­it­ing URL, refer­ring URL, time­stamp of event, brows­er lan­guage, coun­try code.

Activity Tracked: Page views will be tracked with each addi­tion­al load (i.e. when you scroll down to the bot­tom of the page and a new set of posts loads auto­mat­i­cal­ly). If the site own­er has enabled Google Analytics to work with this fea­ture, a page view event will also be sent to the appro­pri­ate Google Analytics account with each addi­tion­al load.

Jetpack Comments

Data Used: Commenter’s name, email address, and site URL (if pro­vid­ed via the com­ment form), time­stamp, and IP address. Additionally, a IFrame receives the fol­low­ing data: blog ID attached to the site, ID of the post on which the com­ment is being sub­mit­ted, commenter’s local user ID (if avail­able), commenter’s local user­name (if avail­able), commenter’s site URL (if avail­able), MD5 hash of the commenter’s email address (if avail­able), and the com­ment con­tent. If Akismet (also owned by Automattic) is enabled on the site, the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is sent to the ser­vice for the sole pur­pose of spam check­ing: commenter’s name, email address, site URL, IP address, and user agent.

Activity Tracked: The com­ment author’s name, email address, and site URL (if pro­vid­ed dur­ing the com­ment sub­mis­sion) are stored in cook­ies. Learn more about these cook­ies.

Data Synced (?): All data and meta­da­ta (see above) asso­ci­at­ed with com­ments. This includes the sta­tus of the com­ment and, if Akismet is enabled on the site, whether or not it was clas­si­fied as spam by Akismet.


This fea­ture is only acces­si­ble to users logged in to

Data Used: In order to process a post like action, the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is used: IP address, user ID, user­name, site ID (on which the post was liked), post ID (of the post that was liked), user agent, time­stamp of event, brows­er lan­guage, coun­try code.

Activity Tracked: Post likes.


Data Used: When shar­ing con­tent via email (this option is only avail­able if Akismet is active on the site), the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is used: shar­ing party’s name and email address (if the user is logged in, this infor­ma­tion will be pulled direct­ly from their account), IP address (for spam check­ing), user agent (for spam check­ing), and email body/content. This con­tent will be sent to Akismet (also owned by Automattic) so that a spam check can be per­formed. Additionally, if reCAPTCHA (by Google) is enabled by the site own­er, the shar­ing party’s IP address will be shared with that ser­vice. You can find Google’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy here.


Data Used: To ini­ti­ate and process sub­scrip­tions, the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is used: subscriber’s email address and the ID of the post or com­ment (depend­ing on the spe­cif­ic sub­scrip­tion being processed). In the event of a new sub­scrip­tion being ini­ti­at­ed, we also col­lect some basic serv­er data, includ­ing all of the sub­scrib­ing user’s HTTP request head­ers, the IP address from which the sub­scrib­ing user is view­ing the page, and the URI which was giv­en in order to access the page (REQUEST_URI and DOCUMENT_URI). This serv­er data used for the exclu­sive pur­pose of mon­i­tor­ing and pre­vent­ing abuse and spam.

Activity Tracked: Functionality cook­ies are set for a dura­tion of 347 days to remem­ber a visitor’s blog and post sub­scrip­tion choic­es if, in fact, they have an active sub­scrip­tion.

Events Manager

We use Google ser­vices to gen­er­ate maps and pro­vide auto­com­ple­tion when search­ing for events by loca­tion, which may col­lect data via your brows­er in accor­dance to Google’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy.

We col­lect and store infor­ma­tion you sub­mit to us when mak­ing a book­ing, for the pur­pose of reserv­ing your request­ed spaces at our event and main­tain­ing a record of atten­dance.

We col­lect and store infor­ma­tion you sub­mit to us about events (and cor­re­spond­ing loca­tions) you would like to pub­lish on our site.

We may use cook­ies to tem­porar­i­ly store infor­ma­tion about a book­ing in progress as well as any error/confirmation mes­sages whilst sub­mit­ting or man­ag­ing your events and loca­tions.

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