Secular Humanist Principles

These are sec­u­lar human­ist val­ues we like to high­light. It’s what sets us apart from human­i­tar­i­ans in gen­er­al.

Scientific: Science is the mea­sure of all things.

Naturalistic: The only real­i­ty is the nat­ur­al or phys­i­cal world.

Ethical: All have an equal right to free­dom and well-being con­sis­tent with the rights of oth­ers.

Positive: We can solve prob­lems by com­bin­ing crit­i­cal think­ing, com­pas­sion, and empa­thy for oth­ers.

Secular: We keep an open mind, wor­ship noth­ing, and ques­tion every­thing.

Universal: Common needs and inter­est tran­scend nation­al­i­ty, eth­nic ori­gins, or beliefs.

Communal: We need com­mu­ni­ties to cel­e­brate our con­nec­tion with one anoth­er.

Ecological: Humans evolved nat­u­ral­ly as a part of the world which we need to pre­serve.

Democratic: Democratic ideals are jus­ti­fied by ratio­nal self-interest.

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