Join Us

Use the form to join SHoWLE. Fill in the infor­ma­tion request­ed, select the mem­ber­ship you want, and select if you are going to pay by credit/debit card or by mail (man­u­al­ly).

If you pay man­u­al­ly (by mail), once we get your check or mon­ey order in the mail, we will con­firm it and let you know your mem­ber­ship is active. Before you fill out and sub­mit your reg­is­tra­tion, copy our US Mail address, at the bot­tom of this page, to mail in your pay­ment. If you give us cash in per­son your mem­ber­ship will be active at that time.

*Note* — All sin­gle year mem­ber­ships expire on the next September 30th after you join or renew. The mem­ber­ship app we use may show you a date 1 year from the date you join. If the date shown isn’t 9/30 it will be man­u­al­ly adjust­ed to the NEXT September 30th, so if you join or renew at the end of July or in August your expi­ra­tion date would be moved to 2025 if it is cur­rent­ly 2024.

If the reg­is­tra­tion form does­n’t show up below or you are get­ting error mes­sages while using the form, please use our back­up mem­ber­ship form using PayPal.

Register New Account

Select to Opt in

Choose your mem­ber­ship lev­el

Choose Your Payment Method

For man­u­al pay­ments, send checks or mon­ey orders to: