SHoWLE Promotion Help

Help get the word out and pro­mote us t your friends, fam­i­ly, and social groups.

Below are some posters and graph­ics you can share online or print out and post on bul­letin boards in your area.


One of our mem­bers cre­at­ed three dif­fer­ent posters you can share on social media or print out at home and post them in pub­lic areas allowed to have posters like the bul­letin board at the local gro­cery or library. Click on the link and save the image or file from the Google Drive page. The images on this page are just thumb­nails and not for print­ing.

File to Print and Post = PDF

File to share on social media = PNG

File to Print and Post = PDF

File to share on social media = PNG

File to Print and Post = PDF

File to share on social media = PNG