Summer of Booths Fundraiser

One of the major activ­i­ties we do to adver­tise the group and edu­cate the pub­lic about Humanism is when set­up our booth at a com­mu­ni­ty fes­ti­val or event.

We would like to have a booth at the Old West End Festival in June and the Maumee Summerfair in August but we need your help. Each event charges us mon­ey to have our booth. We would like to have a fundrais­er to help us pay the booth fees and for any sup­plies we need. All dona­tions will be tax deductible and only used for the booth.

Our goal is $400

If you choose to donate online, keep in mind we are charged pro­cess­ing fees so if you can include an extra dol­lar or two to cov­er the fee that would be great.

You can also donate by mail. Just send a check or mon­ey order to:

PO Box 6433
Toledo, OH 43612

Then just drop us a note to expect the check or mon­ey order.

Thanks in advance.