SHoWLE Wish List

The non-software items on this list were items on our Amazon Smile wish list. Amazon end­ed the Smiles pro­gram but you can still order these items on Amazon.

Some peo­ple, for per­son­al rea­sons, refuse to shop at Amazon and we respect that. If you would like to fill our wish list but not from Amazon then just look for the fol­low­ing items where you do shop, buy them, and send them to us at SHoWLE PO Box 6433 Toledo, OH 43613 If you would rather drop them off to us (or the ven­dor does­n’t allow ship­ments to PO Boxes), con­tact us and we can arrange a drop off or give you a street address to use.

Also note that except for the books, we are not mar­ried to a par­tic­u­lar prod­uct man­u­fac­tur­er on this list. For exam­ple we would like four fold­ing chairs with padding but they don’t have to be from Flash Furniture.

For Children

We would like to have a meet­ing or event focused on chil­dren and these items will help us do that.

Kumon Thinking Skill Workbooks LOGIC K&UP (Thinking Skills Workbooks)

Creative Teaching Press STEM Intermediate 7‑Poster Pack (7275) by Creative Teaching Press

Geeks are Cool — Inspirational STEM Art Print — 11x14 Unframed Wall Art Poster — Gift for Science, Math or Technology. Great in an Office, School or Dorm Decor Poster Under $20 by Dogstar Pics

Nerd Power — Words made using Computer Parts — Inspirational STEM Wall Art Print — 11x14 Unframed Art Poster — Gift for Science or Technology. Great in an Office, School or Dorm Decor Poster Under $20
by Dogstar Pics

Partysphere Building Block Treat Bags, 12-Pieces by PartysphereTM (we can also use these as hand­outs at our info booth)

48 Building Blocks Favors — 12 Lollipop Suckers in 4 Flavors + 12 Bracelets + 12 Mini Notepads + 12 Pencils, Brick Birthday Party Supplies and Prizes by HeroFiber (these can also be used as hand­outs for our info booth)


These items can be used for meet­ing pro­gram­ming or for our spe­cial events

GoSports Giant Wooden Toppling Tower (Stacks to 5+ Feet) | Choose Between Natural, Brown Stain, Gray Stain or Stars and Stripes | Includes Bonus Rules with Gameboard | Made from Premium Pine (aka gener­ic Giant Jenga blocks)

School of Thought Critical Thinking Cards by School of Thought

Office Supplies/Booth

These are gen­er­al office sup­plies we can use and items we can use for our info booths

18″ x 60″ and 18″ x 72″ Heavy Duty Seminar Folding Tables by National Public Seating

Flash Furniture 4 Pk. HERCULES Series Curved Triple Braced & Double Hinged Beige Fabric Metal Folding Chair by Flash Furniture


These are web­sites and apps that we use or could use to man­age the group and it would help to have at least a year sub­scrip­tion to them. Donate the mon­ey using our donate page and in a note or by email let us know that is what it is for. Some pric­ing is based on a dis­counts we qual­i­fy for as a non-profit.

Mailchimp Essentials plan $156/year ($13 a month) Used for our email blasts $150 to $200/year used for our online meet­ings $300 could be used to pro­mote our meet­ings

Adobe Creative Cloud $250-$360/year ($20 — $40/month) (depends what pro­gram we are on) can be used for a vari­ety of things like design­ing mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als and pro­duc­ing the pod­cast


These are web­sites that can be used to pro­duce our pod­cast. In many cas­es, the paid plans include either more bells and whis­tles or more time to use it. Donations to this cat­e­go­ry will include a thank you dur­ing the pod­cast episode unless you decide you don’t want to be acknowl­edged. We also have mer­chan­dise avail­able to pur­chase

Descript $360 used for remote record­ing and tran­scrip­tion

Credits $100/year used to pur­chase cred­its for cer­tain apps used to pro­duce the pod­cast.

Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](
Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](