Join Our Group

If you con­sid­er your­self a Humanist and can sub­scribe to the AHA’s “Humanism and Its Aspirations” doc­u­ment, then we want you to join our com­mu­ni­ty. Humanist val­ues are based on con­sen­sus. You only have to be in sub­stan­tial agree­ment to be a Humanist.

If You Support:

  • Separation of Church and State
  • Science & Reason
  • Social Justice
  • Evidence-based solu­tions to human prob­lems

Then please join us

Check out one of our group brochures

Benefits of mem­ber­ship:

  • Regular meet­ings and events with like mind­ed peo­ple
  • Ability to guide and vote on the direc­tion of the group
  • Serve in lead­er­ship posi­tions and on our Board of Directors
  • Regular com­mu­ni­ca­tions about meet­ings, events, and oth­er top­ics of inter­est to the group before the gen­er­al pub­lic
  • Most impor­tant­ly, you will gain the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make your voice heard and know that you are part of a greater move­ment work­ing for the val­ues we share.

We have sev­er­al mem­ber­ship plans avail­able at this time:

  • 2 or more peo­ple liv­ing at the same address for 1 year
  • Same as Household
  • Same as Household
  • Same as Household but no expi­ra­tion date

A Student/Fixed income Level is also avail­able

Memberships are NOT tax deductible. If you are cur­rent­ly a mem­ber login here.

*Note* Our pay­ment plat­form will NOT accept card pay­ments if you have a US based card and try to use it out­side the US. If this will be an issue for you then send us a note.

You can also send your name, address, phone num­ber, and email address with one of the amounts above to our mail­ing address:

Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie
PO Box 6433
Toledo, OH 43612–0433

If you aren’t sure you want to become a mem­ber at this time, but want to help us in pro­vid­ing a sup­port­ive local com­mu­ni­ty for human­ists and oth­er non­the­ists, while pro­mot­ing eth­i­cal and rea­son­able sec­u­lar world views through edu­ca­tion, com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice, out­reach, activism, and social events, then vis­it our dona­tion page:


You can use Paypal or a cred­it card. Donations are tax deductible

SHoWLE will not share or sell our mem­ber­ship infor­ma­tion out­side of our oblig­a­tion to the require­ments for being a chap­ter in good stand­ing of the American Humanist Association.

Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](
Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](