SHoWLE To Host Demonstration on World Humanist Day

*** For imme­di­ate release ***

Toledo Humanists Sponsor Demonstration at Courthouse for World Humanist Day

State and local politi­cians need to stop ignor­ing sci­ence in pan­dem­ic response

Toledo, June 15, 2021 -

Last week the sto­ry about the Doctor who told an Ohio House com­mit­tee about how they believed the covid vac­cine made one mag­ne­tized made Ohio the laugh­ing stock of the world. But this is just anoth­er instance where ignor­ing sci­ence has made this pan­dem­ic last much longer than it should.

Politicians in the state house have for years thought they knew more than sci­en­tists and med­ical pro­fes­sion­als as they hacked away at the rights of women to make their own repro­duc­tive choic­es. During the pan­dem­ic many of these same polit­i­cal rays of light have under­mined the state’s response to the pan­dem­ic and put eco­nom­ics over peo­ple.

The ger­ry­man­der­ing that put the Republican par­ty in a super major­i­ty in Columbus against the actu­al num­ber of votes they got in recent elec­tions is an exis­ten­tial threat to the peo­ple of Ohio. Politicians make sure that Amazon, which pays lit­tle in tax­es, gets tax­pay­er fund­ed infra­struc­ture and tax breaks while Average Joe arbi­trar­i­ly gets $300 of pan­dem­ic unem­ploy­ment funds tak­en away to force him to work a job that pays less than what he got from unem­ploy­ment.

Enough is enough. June 21st is World Humanist Day and one guid­ing prin­ci­ple of Humanism is to not ignore sci­ence and med­ical experts dur­ing a pan­dem­ic. Humanists believe that we should put peo­ple ahead of prof­it and we need to stop find­ing ways peo­ple strug­gling eco­nom­i­cal­ly don’t deserve help.

The Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie will be host­ing a demon­stra­tion on Monday June 21st at Noon in front of the 10 Commandments mon­u­ment at the Lucas County Courthouse at the cor­ner of Adams and Erie St. Bring your signs and ban­ners to show your views.

We are demand­ing politi­cians stop ignor­ing sci­ence and hurt­ing peo­ple by strip­ping away their rights. We also want our elect­ed offi­cials to wor­ry more about peo­ple and less about par­a­site busi­ness­es that pay lit­tle to no tax­es. We all need to pay our fair share and the leg­is­la­tors in Columbus need to stop enact­ing laws through the state bud­get to avoid our right to peti­tion the gov­ern­ment for redress of griev­ances. If the politi­cians in Columbus are wor­ried so much about law and order that they need to make protest­ing a felony maybe they need to get their own house in order and start hold­ing peo­ple account­able.

Ohio needs a seri­ous change in behav­ior if it does­n’t want to con­tin­ue to lose res­i­dents. This is 2021 not 1951. Enough is enough.

About Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie

The mis­sion of the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie is to pro­vide a sup­port­ive local com­mu­ni­ty for human­ists and oth­er non­the­ists, while pro­mot­ing an eth­i­cal, rea­son­able, and sec­u­lar approach to life through edu­ca­tion, com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice, out­reach, activism, and social events.

We envi­sion a Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan where sec­u­lar peo­ple are respect­ed and inte­grat­ed in broad­er soci­ety, live val­ues of rea­son and com­pas­sion, and enjoy a friend­ly human­ist com­mu­ni­ty.

Media Contacts

Douglas Berger — President


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