Secular of Humanists of Western Lake Erie (SHoWLE) will post any press it gets on this page. If you are a member of the media or are looking to arrange a speaker, visit our Speaker and Media Inquiries page.
January 21, 2025
SHoWLE President Douglas Berger had a letter-to-the-editor published in the Toledo Blade responding to an Editorial that tried to “both sides” the Trans women in sports bigotry. If you wish to read the Editorial here is the link.

June 4, 2024
SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a letter to the editor published in the Sandusky Register. It concerned LifeWise Academy and House Bill 445.

March 10, 2024
SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a letter to the editor published about the racist imagery and language used in some campaign literature he got in the mail.

January 4, 2024
SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a letter to the editor published thanking Governor DeWine for his veto of House Bill 68 that would ban gender-affirming care for kids in the state:

October 22, 2023
SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a letter to the editor published responding to a letter by Bishop Daniel E. Thomas of the Diocese of Toledo that opposed State Issue 1 the Reproductive Rights Amendment. On the website and the printed version, Doug’s letter is the 2nd one on the page.

August 6, 2023
SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a letter to the editor published commenting on State Issue 1 that would change how citizens could amend the Ohio constitution. Published in the Toledo Blade on 08/06/2023

April 30, 2023
SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a letter to the editor published commenting on editorial supporting anti-trans athlete Riley Gaines who appeared in Toledo to give speech filled with bigotry.

February 4, 2023
SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a letter to the editor published that responded to another letter writer who said one factor in the rise in crime is bad parenting but he also said the parent had the ultimate authority at home and the government should respect that.

December 15, 2022
SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a letter published in the Toledo Blade that called out a group made up of former Toledo mayors that don’t seem to have any real plan to reduce violent crime in the city other than a block watch. *Note* This letter was a “featured” letter on the printed page.

August 28, 2022
SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a letter to the editor published that talked about a lawsuit filed by some parents who wanted the local public school district to provide special service for their children who attend a private sectarian school.

May 5, 2022
SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a letter published taking the Toledo Blade to task for an article about a professor who settled a lawsuit over his refusal to use a student’s preferred pronouns:

March 6, 2022
SHoWLE President Doug Berger contributed to a feature article in the Religion section of the Toledo Blade about the topic of Anti-natalism. Anti-natalists argue that humans should abstain from procreation because it is morally wrong. If you subscribe to the Toledo Blade it was printed on page F1 and is found on the website and e‑Blade. If you wish to read the article and don’t have subscription then click HERE.

June 22, 2021
SHoWLE President Doug Berger, Secretary Shawn Meagley, and member Marcee L. celebrated World Humanist Day by protesting the anti-science views of political people in Columbus and elsewhere. The Toledo Blade wrote up a nice story about it.

May 16, 2021
SHoWLE President Doug Berger had a Letter-to-the-editor published on the website of the Lima (OH) News: (here is the link to the Op/Ed Doug is writing about)

May 5, 2021
SHoWLE President Doug Berger’s letter to the editor in the Toledo Blade honoring the National Day of Reason:

May 2, 2021
SHoWLE’s National Day of Reason event on that day mentioned on the religion page of the Toledo Blade:

January 3, 2021
SHoWLE got a shout out in the Sunday Toledo Blade for the press release we sent out earlier in the week complaining about Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost taking the side of some religious schools in a federal lawsuit against a Lucas county public health order.

December 13, 2020
President Doug Berger had a letter to the editor published pointing out the problems with a federal lawsuit filed by three religious schools against a Lucas County public health order that temporary closed schools for in-person instruction until January 11, 2021.

February 8, 2020
Our new podcast Glass City Humanist got a shout out in the religion section of the Toledo Blade on Saturday

More clips and videos are available on the pages linked below. Just click on a number