Media Clippings and Videos

Decmember 8, 2018

Our gen­er­al meet­ing was men­tioned in the Religious Offering side­bar in the Toledo Blade Religion sec­tion:

November 24, 2018

Our “Breakfast with Dr. Darrel Ray” spe­cial event got a men­tion on the reli­gion page of the Toledo Blade:

November 21, 2018

SHoWLE’s Humanist Nooner was fea­tured in the Toledo City Paper on November 21st.

November 3, 2018

Doug had our state­ment con­demn­ing the Tree of Life Synagogue ter­ror­ist attack pub­lished as a let­ter to the edi­tor of the Toledo Blade:

June 18th, 2018

Doug had a let­ter to the edi­tor pub­lished in the Toledo Blade


June 3rd to 5th 2018

Doug appeared on cam­era on WTOL and was quot­ed in sev­er­al addi­tion­al news sto­ries about the sav­ing of St. Anthony Catholic Church on Nebraska Ave.


June 2nd, 2018

Doug and Shawn were pro­filed in a big arti­cle in the Toledo Blade reli­gion sec­tion. They talked about form­ing SHoWLE and the need for sec­u­lar voic­es in Toledo, Northwest Ohio, and Southeast Michigan.


May 5th, 2018

Our first meet­ing was men­tioned in the Toledo Blade reli­gion sec­tion:

Meeting announcement in the Blade
Religion Section Toledo Blade 05/05/2018
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Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](