Decmember 8, 2018
Our general meeting was mentioned in the Religious Offering sidebar in the Toledo Blade Religion section:

November 24, 2018
Our “Breakfast with Dr. Darrel Ray” special event got a mention on the religion page of the Toledo Blade:

November 21, 2018
SHoWLE’s Humanist Nooner was featured in the Toledo City Paper on November 21st.

November 3, 2018
Doug had our statement condemning the Tree of Life Synagogue terrorist attack published as a letter to the editor of the Toledo Blade:

June 18th, 2018
Doug had a letter to the editor published in the Toledo Blade

June 3rd to 5th 2018
Doug appeared on camera on WTOL and was quoted in several additional news stories about the saving of St. Anthony Catholic Church on Nebraska Ave.
June 2nd, 2018
Doug and Shawn were profiled in a big article in the Toledo Blade religion section. They talked about forming SHoWLE and the need for secular voices in Toledo, Northwest Ohio, and Southeast Michigan.

May 5th, 2018
Our first meeting was mentioned in the Toledo Blade religion section: