How Can You Support Humanism In Toledo?

We get asked how can some­one sup­port Humanism in Toledo and Northwest Ohio? The Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie pro­gram­ming and oper­a­tion is fund­ed by mem­ber­ship fees, dona­tions, and grants. There are many ways you can sup­port our work.

  • Join our group — obvi­ous­ly the best way is to join our group if you agree with our prin­ci­ples and believe Humanism is a life stance you can sup­port.
  • Donate — we would nev­er turn down a dona­tion. We can use cash to fur­ther our pro­gram­ming and pay for the gen­er­al oper­a­tion of the group. You can donate once or set up a month­ly sub­scrip­tion. We use PayPal but you don’t need to have a PayPal account to donate to us.
  • Give through your place of employ­ment — many busi­ness­es have char­i­ty giv­ing as part of a ben­e­fit pack­age. You donate an amount and in most cas­es your employ­er will match it. SHoWLE is part of the Fidelity Giving Marketplace for those who have that option.
  • Use your Kroger Plus Card — if you shop at Kroger, you can enroll our group on your Plus card and Kroger will donate a small per­cent­age of your total spend­ing to us. Go to the Kroger Community Rewards page, sign in, and enroll us using our group num­ber — XC299 — or search on our full group name. Click here for more help. If you need a Kroger Plus card, they are at the Customer Service Desk.
  • Amazon Smile Program - We are signed up through the Amazon Smile pro­gram. Amazon will donate 0.5% of your total eli­gi­ble pur­chas­es to SHoWLE. We also have a Charity List of items we could use if you want to donate actu­al items.
  • Create a fundrais­er on Facebook — If you use Facebook, you can cre­ate a fundrais­er to ben­e­fit SHoWLE to mark your birth­day or oth­er mile­stone. 100% of the mon­ey donat­ed comes to SHoWLE.

You can always donate at one of our meet­ings or events or send a check or mon­ey order to:

Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie
PO Box 6433
Toledo, OH 43612–0433

Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](
Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](