Now Available: Toledo Humanists You Should Know

Logo for the Toledo Humanists Page

When we do pre­sen­ta­tions to oth­er groups about SHoWLE, we talk about three well known Toledo natives who are or were human­ists. Until today we did­n’t pro­mote them on our web­site. That over­sight is fixed.

Starting today you can find short bios about the three human­ists from the Toledo area we talk about: Gloria Steinem, Edward Lamb, and Madalyn Murray O’Hair.

Each page gives a short biog­ra­phy, their con­nec­tion to Humanism and we tried to add a quote that fits the Humanist phi­los­o­phy.

We hope this is just a start of a big­ger project so if you know of Toledo human­ists who should be added, let us know through our con­tact form.

Click on the image to go to the page:

Logo for the Toledo Humanists Page

Humanist Happy Hour: August

August 22 @ 5:30 pm 7:00 pm

Monthly social after work at a local water­ing hole, Nothing fan­cy and no struc­ture just being in a small autonomous col­lec­tive par­tak­ing is bev­er­ages, adult or oth­er­wise and shar­ing a joke or two.

The Happy Hour will typ­i­cal­ly be on the 4th Thursdays of the month and start at 5:30 PM.

The Distillery has typ­i­cal bar food and piz­za. The piz­za is pret­ty good.

We are always open to new loca­tions so just let us know.

This event is an excep­tion to our in-person meet­ing pol­i­cy. The nature of this activ­i­ty means we will be sur­round­ed by the gen­er­al pub­lic at the places we vis­it. Most peo­ple, includ­ing, restau­rant staff may not be wear­ing masks or tak­ing any COVID pre­cau­tions.


The Distillery

4311 Heatherdowns Blvd
Toledo, Ohio 43614 United States
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Optional RSVP

Just let us know you will be there so we can save you seat

0 Going
10 remain­ing

Humanist Happy Hour: July

July 25 @ 5:30 pm 7:00 pm

Monthly social after work at a local water­ing hole, Nothing fan­cy and no struc­ture just being in a small autonomous col­lec­tive par­tak­ing is bev­er­ages, adult or oth­er­wise and shar­ing a joke or two.

The Happy Hour will typ­i­cal­ly be on the 4th Thursdays of the month and start at 5:30 PM.

The Distillery has typ­i­cal bar food and piz­za. The piz­za is pret­ty good.

We are always open to new loca­tions so just let us know.

This event is an excep­tion to our in-person meet­ing pol­i­cy. The nature of this activ­i­ty means we will be sur­round­ed by the gen­er­al pub­lic at the places we vis­it. Most peo­ple, includ­ing, restau­rant staff may not be wear­ing masks or tak­ing any COVID pre­cau­tions.


The Distillery

4311 Heatherdowns Blvd
Toledo, Ohio 43614 United States
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Kids Movie and Pizza: WISH

July 27 @ 3:00 pm 5:00 pm

Join us in the audi­to­ri­um of the West Toledo Branch Library for an after­noon watch­ing WISH and nosh­ing on FREE PIZZA and oth­er snacks.

We will be in the audi­to­ri­um, in the base­ment.

This is event is FREE and open to the pub­lic. While this is a kid focused event, par­ents and/or care­givers are wel­come to join us too.


The Distillery

4311 Heatherdowns Blvd
Toledo, Ohio 43614 United States
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View Venue Website

Optional RSVP

Not required but then we will know to look out for you

5 Going
25 remain­ing, Last day to RSVP

Movie and Pizza- Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

June 29 @ 2:00 pm 5:00 pm

Join us in the audi­to­ri­um for an after­noon watch­ing Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and nosh­ing on FREE PIZZA and oth­er snacks. The peo­ple of Wakanda have a nation built on com­pas­sion and rea­son and use tech­nol­o­gy to pro­tect and help their peo­ple. Sounds like Humanism.

Imaging promoting the kids movie and free pizza on June 29th at 2 PM

The peo­ple of Wakanda fight to pro­tect their home from inter­ven­ing world pow­ers as they mourn the death of King T’Challa.

We will be in the audi­to­ri­um, in the base­ment.

This is event is FREE and open to the pub­lic. While this is a kid focused event, par­ents and/or care­givers are wel­come to join us too.


The Distillery

4311 Heatherdowns Blvd
Toledo, Ohio 43614 United States
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Humanist Nooner: Shawn’s Irish Tavern Bancroft

June 19 @ 11:30 am 12:30 pm

Join host Doug Berger each month as he explores some of the fine eat­ing estab­lish­ments in the Toledo metro area for lunch.

Looking for a fun time with­out a bor­ing meet­ing, then Humanist Nooners is the place to be.

Although the food isn’t free, the con­ver­sa­tion will be and it is open to the pub­lic. You can even ask Doug about Humanism and freethought.

Many of the venues are picked by Doug, but he is always open to sug­ges­tions for future loca­tions. Just sug­gest

This event is an excep­tion to our in-person meet­ing pol­i­cy. The nature of this activ­i­ty means we will be sur­round­ed by the gen­er­al pub­lic at the places we vis­it. Most peo­ple, includ­ing, restau­rant staff may not be wear­ing masks or tak­ing any COVID pre­cau­tions.


The Distillery

4311 Heatherdowns Blvd
Toledo, Ohio 43614 United States
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View Venue Website

Humanist Happy Hour: The Distillery

June 27 @ 5:30 pm 7:00 pm

New month­ly social after work at a local water­ing hole, Nothing fan­cy and no struc­ture just being in a small autonomous col­lec­tive par­tak­ing is bev­er­ages, adult or oth­er­wise and shar­ing a joke or two.

We have tweeked this event since the debut. The Happy Hour will typ­i­cal­ly be on the 4th Thursdays of the month and start at 5:30 PM.

The Distillery has typ­i­cal bar food and piz­za. The piz­za is pret­ty good. Friday was just way too busy as the bar was host­ing a Bingo night. Thursdays look more low key and they have food and drink spe­cials.

This event is an excep­tion to our in-person meet­ing pol­i­cy. The nature of this activ­i­ty means we will be sur­round­ed by the gen­er­al pub­lic at the places we vis­it. Most peo­ple, includ­ing, restau­rant staff may not be wear­ing masks or tak­ing any COVID pre­cau­tions.


The Distillery

4311 Heatherdowns Blvd
Toledo, Ohio 43614 United States
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View Venue Website

Humanist Happy Hour: The Distillery

May 23 @ 5:30 pm 7:00 pm

New month­ly social after work at a local water­ing hole, Nothing fan­cy and no struc­ture just being in a small autonomous col­lec­tive par­tak­ing is bev­er­ages, adult or oth­er­wise and shar­ing a joke or two.

We have tweeked this event since the debut. The Happy Hour will typ­i­cal­ly be on the 4th Thursdays of the month and start at 5:30 PM.

The Distillery has typ­i­cal bar food and piz­za. The piz­za is pret­ty good. Friday was just way too busy as the bar was host­ing a Bingo night. Thursdays look more low key and they have food and drink spe­cials.

This event is an excep­tion to our in-person meet­ing pol­i­cy. The nature of this activ­i­ty means we will be sur­round­ed by the gen­er­al pub­lic at the places we vis­it. Most peo­ple, includ­ing, restau­rant staff may not be wear­ing masks or tak­ing any COVID pre­cau­tions.


The Distillery

4311 Heatherdowns Blvd
Toledo, Ohio 43614 United States
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View Venue Website

Humanist Nooner: Rudy’s Hot Dog

May 15 @ 11:30 am 12:30 pm

Join host Doug Berger each month as he explores some of the fine eat­ing estab­lish­ments in the Toledo metro area for lunch.

Looking for a fun time with­out a bor­ing meet­ing, then Humanist Nooners is the place to be.

Although the food isn’t free, the con­ver­sa­tion will be and it is open to the pub­lic. You can even ask Doug about Humanism and freethought.

Many of the venues are picked by Doug, but he is always open to sug­ges­tions for future loca­tions. Just sug­gest

This event is an excep­tion to our in-person meet­ing pol­i­cy. The nature of this activ­i­ty means we will be sur­round­ed by the gen­er­al pub­lic at the places we vis­it. Most peo­ple, includ­ing, restau­rant staff may not be wear­ing masks or tak­ing any COVID pre­cau­tions.


The Distillery

4311 Heatherdowns Blvd
Toledo, Ohio 43614 United States
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View Venue Website

SHoWLE Booth at Old West End Festival

Image showing our OWE booth

June 1 @ 10:00 am June 2 @ 10:00 am

SHoWLE has returned to the Old West End Festival to meet peo­ple and edu­cate the pub­lic about the group and Humanism. We will be there on June 1st and 2nd from 10 am to 5 pm both days. Stop by and say hel­lo.

Image showing our OWE booth

If you would like to staff our booth, all we ask is a com­mit­ment of at least an hour. No expe­ri­ence is required and you can meet and talk to new peo­ple. Fill out the form at the fol­low­ing link.

The Distillery

4311 Heatherdowns Blvd
Toledo, Ohio 43614 United States
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View Venue Website