Speaker and Media Inquiries

Our founders, Doug and Shawn, are avail­able to speak to the media about the group or to give a sec­u­lar view­point on issues of the day.

If you are need­ing a speak­er for your meet­ing or event, Doug is avail­able to talk about the group, Humanism, and give a sec­u­lar view­point on the issues of the day.

Just fill out the fol­low­ing form and Doug or Shawn will get back to you. Let us know if it is a speak­er or media con­tact.

Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](https://www.jupmodesupply.com/products/secular-humanists-of-western-lake-erie-here-for-good-2025)
Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](https://www.jupmodesupply.com/products/secular-humanists-of-western-lake-erie-here-for-good-2025)