Booth Help Sign-up

If you would like to vol­un­teer to help staff our info booth, please fill out the infor­ma­tion in the form below and we will get back to you. If there is no form on this page or the form won’t work for you (you get an error for exam­ple) then use or con­tact form to send us the infor­ma­tion or email it to us at pres­i­dent (AT) You can choose as many or as lit­tle of the time slots as you wish. If you would like to help out but can’t work say 1–2 PM but can work 1:30 to 2:30, just write a note to that effect in the text box at the end.

If you have any ques­tions feel free to call or text Doug at 567–215-2694

If you aren’t sure what work­ing at our booth involves, check out our Booth Help FAQ