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Humanist Values Demand We Stand Up For Marginalized Groups

February 8 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm

Image about our monthly meeting on February 8th

Recently President Trump signed an Executive Order that tried to dis­miss the exis­tence of Trans peo­ple and he has tak­en action to exclude the LGBTQ com­mu­ni­ty from the nation­al scene. Sixteen sec­u­lar groups includ­ing the AHA signed on to a let­ter sup­port­ing the LGBTQ com­mu­ni­ty. Some peo­ple don’t believe LGBTQ rights are a church state issue. We will dis­cuss this impor­tant issue and dis­cov­er why LGBTQ rights and oth­ers are a church and state issue.

This dis­cus­sion will be led by SHoWLE President Douglas Berger

FREE and open to the pub­lic

*Weather Update*: Snow is expect­ed in the after­noon after our meet­ing but if that looks like it might change we may need to switch to Zoom and not meet in-person. Be sure to check this page again before you leave for the library.


Sanger Library Branch

3030 Central Ave
Toledo, OH 43606 United States
+ Google Map

Here is the link for our live stream. If you are a mem­ber and logged into this web­site you have access to the Zoom link as well.

YouTube Live Stream — click on link and select the LIVE tab.

Some peo­ple don’t believe LGBTQ rights are a church state issue. We will dis­cuss this impor­tant issue and dis­cov­er why LGBTQ rights and oth­ers are a church and state issue …

Zoom link is restrict­ed to mem­bers only. If you are a mem­ber then login and then view this page again.

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