Member Checkout Help

Here are some hints on fill­ing out the form when you join the group. Billing infor­ma­tion we ask for will be used to cre­ate your account here and be includ­ed in our mem­ber­ship data­base. We nev­er share that infor­ma­tion with­out your per­mis­sion. If you have any addi­tion­al ques­tions let us know. This help page is also avail­able as a down­load­able PDF file to read offline.

Part 1

The first part of the check out screen shows the lev­el you select­ed from the pre­vi­ous screen, the benifits of mem­ber­ship, when it will expire, and a place to make a gift.

A gift dona­tion above and sep­a­rate from your mem­ber­ship is appre­ci­at­ed but entire­ly option­al. If you don’t want to make a dona­tion leave the amount at $0.00

Part 2

The next part of the screen we ask for infor­ma­tion to cre­ate an account on this web­site. You will use the user­name and pass­word to log-in on this site to review your account infor­ma­tion and renew your mem­ber­ship when it is expires. We also use your infor­ma­tion to email you a month­ly update newslet­ter and oth­er impor­tant group announce­ments.

Part 3 (Household membership only)

If you are get­ting a Household mem­ber­ship we ask you list the names of the peo­ple to be cov­ered by the mem­ber­ship. This helps us keep track of the total num­ber of mem­bers in the group. This box only is present if you are get­ting a Household mem­ber­ship

Part 4

In this part of the form, you have the option to opt-in to get­ting text mes­sage reminders of meet­ings and events, opt-in share your con­tact infor­ma­tion in a future mem­ber direc­to­ry, let us know if you are cur­rent­ly a mem­ber of the American Humanist Association (AHA), and ask­ing if you want to opt-out of shar­ing your infor­ma­tion with the AHA for our year­ly chap­ter oblig­a­tion.

If you don’t check any of the box­es the only thing that will hap­pen is we will include your con­tact infor­ma­tion with our chap­ter report with the AHA.

The last part of this sec­tion asks you pick your pay­ment method — we accept cred­it cards or you can check out with PayPal. At the end of the form we include our postal address if you wish to send us a paper check.

We DONOT save any of your pay­ment infor­ma­tion or store it on this web­site. We use Stripe or PayPal to process pay­ments. They also charge us a small fee for the con­ve­nience.

Part 5

This infor­ma­tion will be what we store in our mem­ber­ship data­base so please make sure the infor­ma­tion is accu­rate. The head­ing says Billing Address as it may be passed to PayPal if you use that pay­ment method but it isn’t passed when using a cred­it card. We also would like to have your phone num­ber even if you opt-out of get­ting text mes­sages so we have anoth­er con­tact method if need­ed.

Part 6

Finally the last part is where you give your cred­it card infor­ma­tion and dis­count code if you did­n’t apply it ear­li­er. Below the sub­mit but­ton is the instruc­tions and address to send us a check or mon­ey order instead of using a cred­it card.

If you picked PayPal as the pay­ment method a small PayPal but­ton will show in place of the cred­it card info box­es. Just click on the but­ton and fol­low the direc­tions.


Again if you have any ques­tions or com­ments let us know.