Member’s FAQ

SHoWLE is a mem­ber­ship led demo­c­ra­t­ic orga­ni­za­tion. This FAQ will hope­ful­ly answer any ques­tions that come up. This doc­u­ment is a work in progress.

How does a member login?

This web­site may con­tain con­tent and links for mem­bers only. In order for a mem­ber to see the restrict­ed con­tent they must log-in to this web­site. Here are some ways to login:

Visit the Members page on the web­site. This page has all the links a mem­ber needs includ­ing a log-in link.

On your phone, click on the Menu link, then click on the Membership menu item then select the Member Log In menu link

On a brows­er, click on the Membership menu link on the menu bar at the top of the screen then select the Member Log In link

On the front page of the web­site, below the Join Us and Donate but­tons is a Member Log-in link

On our blog posts there is a log in link at the bot­tom of the side­bar on the blog page.

I am a member of the American Humanist Association. Why am I not a member of SHoWLE? (or vis versa)

SHoWLE is a chap­ter of the American Humanist Association (AHA). We gain some ben­e­fit for being a chap­ter like a tax exemp­tion, ser­vices like send­ing email blasts, and free tabling sup­plies. Being a mem­ber of the AHA does­n’t make you a mem­ber of SHoWLE and the reverse is true. Some years ago the AHA had a pro­gram where if you joined the AHA through a chap­ter, the chap­ter would get a por­tion of that mem­ber­ship fee and the per­son would be a mem­ber of the chap­ter too but that pro­gram was end­ed a long time ago. SHoWLE is look­ing into giv­ing AHA mem­bers a steep dis­count to be a mem­ber of SHoWLE. We would like AHA mem­bers to donate their time and mon­ey local­ly. Check back here for an update.

Why do you ask for an RSVP for some meetings and events?

While 99% of our meet­ings and events are free and open to the pub­lic, there maybe times when we need a com­mit­ment from peo­ple to attend a meet­ing or event and so we will ask you to RSVP. You will not be oblig­at­ed to attend but some meet­ings and events won’t hap­pen unless we get more than two or three peo­ple to attend — like mak­ing reser­va­tions to hold a table at a restau­rant for exam­ple or if we have some­thing planned where the venue or host must know who will attend. RSVPing on the web­site also gives you an oppor­tu­ni­ty to put the date on your cal­en­dar so you will get remind­ed clos­er to the date. RSVPs aren’t tied to if we live stream the meet­ing or event on Zoom. If the event is not a meet­ing, like vol­un­teer­ing at a Foodbank, then we most like­ly won’t be live stream­ing the event. The event post will let you know if there will be a live stream and we will include the Zoom link and phone num­bers on the post so you can join in.

If you have any fur­ther ques­tions not answered in this doc­u­ment, login and send us a pri­or­i­ty mes­sage.