
Welcome! We appre­ci­ate you join­ing the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie.

Next you will be placed on our mem­bers email list which is how we send emails about events and meet­ings. We send these out about once a month and some­times we send out reminders or notes about spe­cial events. Here is an archive of past email blasts.

If you opt­ed to get text mes­sages then we will text you meet­ing and event reminders.

Please look over our event cal­en­dar — it has updat­ed infor­ma­tion on upcom­ing meet­ings and events.

If you use social media — check out our social media page with our accounts you can fol­low or com­ment on.

If you have any ques­tions, feel free to let us know.