SHoWLE Not A Book Club Book Club

December 7, 2024 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm

Join our book club. Unlike most book clubs, we don’t name a book all should read to dis­cuss lat­er. Come to the club to share with us a book you are read­ing now or have read and tell us why we should read it. You can also share any inter­est­ing news­pa­per or mag­a­zine arti­cles you’ve read.

This event is FREE and open to the pub­lic


Washington Branch Library

5560 Harvest Ln
Toledo, Ohio 43613 United States
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Find SHoWLE on Discord

Starting today you can find a SHoWLE com­mu­ni­ty serv­er on the Discord plat­form. Participation is free and open to any­one who wants to par­tic­i­pate but it does require an invi­ta­tion.

You need to cre­ate an account on Discord. You will need to install the Discord app or use the brows­er ver­sion to access the group.

The good news the invites are free. A lim­it­ed time one is with this post. If it is expired feel free to reach out to us and ask for an invite. If you are a mem­ber of SHoWLE you get a spe­cial invite and get a spe­cial role on the serv­er.

This is just anoth­er social media plat­form to have some dis­cus­sions and fun out­side for­mal meet­ings. It is mod­er­at­ed and there are some rules for the group. (this link will expire after April 4, 2024. Just reach out to us for anoth­er if it is expired or check the social media links menu.