Time to Renew Your Membership

Three people jumping in the air with Renew above them

It is that time of year for mem­ber­ship renewals. All mem­ber­ships pur­chased a year ago expire on 09/30/2024. We hope that those who mem­ber­ships need to be renewed will do so.

You can start the process on our Members page on the web­site. Login and on the Account overview page click on the renew box. Not sure how to login to our web­site? We made a handy dandy tuto­r­i­al linked below:

You can renew or upgrade your mem­ber­ship from the Account Overview page. We also ask that if you can, check the Auto Renew box so it will auto­mat­i­cal­ly renew your mem­ber­ship next year giv­ing you the peace of mind that it will be renewed with­out miss­ing a beat.

Here is a list of mem­bers who need to renew. If you feel you should­n’t be on the list, login and check your sta­tus and if you are still con­cerned reach out to President Doug and he will ver­i­fy your expi­ra­tion date.

  • Michaelene G. RENEWED
  • David L.
  • Tim R. RENEWED
  • Bruce G. RENEWED
  • Brian T.
  • Michael K.
  • jules r.
  • Rob W.
  • Debbie P. RENEWED
  • Peggy C. RENEWED
  • Margarette W.
  • Mallori T. RENEWED
  • Derrick S.
  • Jerry P RENEWED
  • Derek W. RENEWED
  • Louis F
  • David S. RENEWED
  • Robyn P.

You can also update your con­tact infor­ma­tion and pref­er­ences on the Edit your pro­file page.

Any ques­tions feel free to reach out.

Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash

New Membership Level Added

During our mem­bers meet­ing, I was asked about a Student rate for mem­ber­ship. I said at the time we did­n’t have a for­mal stu­dent lev­el but we would nev­er turn away a poten­tial mem­ber who could­n’t afford the cur­rent full mem­ber­ship dues.

Today I announce we now have a Student/Fixed Income mem­ber­ship lev­el. On the Join page, scroll down for the link then when you get tak­en to the sign-up page one of the lev­els avail­able at the bot­tom is for Students and those on fixed incomes.

People won’t need to ask for the spe­cial rate and will be able to select it when they sign up.

The change needs to be con­firmed by the Board so assume that lev­el has all the same ben­e­fits of the full price. If the low­er amount is still too much we also accept vol­un­teer time and dona­tions in-kind (like shar­ing a skill or donat­ing an item you aren’t using).

– Doug

President of SHoWLE

Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](https://www.jupmodesupply.com/products/secular-humanists-of-western-lake-erie-here-for-good-2025)
Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](https://www.jupmodesupply.com/products/secular-humanists-of-western-lake-erie-here-for-good-2025)