Winter Solstice Potluck Final Notes

This is the final update before our Winter Solstice Potluck.

We appre­ci­ate every­one who RSVP’d and will join us Saturday. Here is some infor­ma­tion about what to expect:

  1. We will have some cards where you can fill out what dish you brought and if it may con­tain any items that could trig­ger an aller­gic reac­tion. If you want to bring some­thing you wrote on your own feel free. It would also help if you can indi­cate if some­thing is spicy or veg­an or any­thing like that.
  2. The event starts at 4 PM with a social hour and we plan to start eat­ing at 5 PM so don’t wor­ry if you don’t arrive right at 4. As for keep­ing hot food hot, the Yager Center has a microwave so peo­ple can zap their plates if they need to reheat some­thing. We also have elec­tric out­lets for crock pots or warm­ers.
  3. We will be hav­ing a raf­fle of a love­ly gift bas­ket that was donat­ed for the event. We post­ed a cou­ple of images. Includes cook­ies, pop­corn, a cou­ple of gift cards and some wine. Raffle tick­ets are $10 each and if you donat­ed for Gloria Steinem’s speak­ing fee you can get a bonus entry for free. We will also have a dona­tion box for any good­will dona­tions you would like to make to the group. If you aren’t a mem­ber and would like to join we can accom­mo­date you dur­ing the event.
  4. We will tak­ing pic­tures and video of the event. We nor­mal­ly don’t share names when we post on the web­site but if you wish not to be pho­tographed feel free to let us know and we will make sure you only appear in group shots.
  5. We will have Gloria Steinem vis­it us about 6 PM. Due to the con­tract we signed we won’t be record­ing her vis­it and we ask that atten­dees not record it either. You can take pho­tos if you wish.
  6. If you have any ques­tions or con­cerns feel free to reach out to Doug at 567–215-2694
Gift Basket being raf­fled off