First Humanist Nooner A Success

Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie(SHoWLE) plans to have many activ­i­ties that don’t fit into the clas­sic gen­er­al meet­ing for­mat. Doug Berger, SHoWLE President, start­ed off the non-meeting pro­gram­ing by host­ing a lunch get togeth­er at a local restau­rant.

The first Humanist Nooner, as it is called, took place at the Panera Bread in Maumee. Even though only four peo­ple showed up, Doug con­sid­ers it a suc­cess.

“Even if one per­son shows up I would mark it as a win,” Doug said. “You can’t start some­thing from scratch and expect a hun­dred peo­ple to show up. I knew that when start­ing up SHoWLE itself.”

Those that attend­ed were hap­py with the good ser­vice and the con­ver­sa­tion includ­ed pol­i­tics, reli­gion, and why Sylvania Township hates TARTA.

Doug will host these lunch­es each month on the 3rd Wednesday. He is open to sug­ges­tions for the next loca­tion to check out.

If you want to host your own event, use our con­tact form to send a mes­sage to Doug. The more events there are the bet­ter for the group.

Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](
Here for Good 2025: [Buy a T-shirt and Support SHoWLE](