Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie (SHoWLE) met for the first time officially on May 5th. We had a dozen humanists interested in the group and moving forward.
The interest was so great that we were able to have enough AHA members to sign our chapter application and we had several people interested in serving on the steering committee. This committee will help develop the formal structure of the group as we become a chapter.
“I think it shows how needed a group like this is in Toledo and our PR campaign helped get the word out,” Co-founder Doug Berger said. “I am over the moon at the number who attended today without any previous history.”
Berger led the meeting and gave a presentation about the group and what he would like to see happen in the future. There was a good discussion period where the consensus was that there needs to be a group that can help protect the 1st amendment and concern that our group is too small to be effective.
“I understand the concern,” Berger said later. “We need to start small and grow into some of the ideas I have for the group. I have no problem with that.”
The next meeting will be on June 16th 2018 at 11 am at The 577 Foundation 577 East Front St. Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 (just west of East Boundary St.)
Berger will also being doing a presentation about church and state issues in the Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan area.
All meetings of SHoWLE are free and open to the public.
Here is a clip from the Toledo Blade on May 5th: