Two Holiday Service Projects Completed

This hol­i­day sea­son, the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie (SHoWLE) par­tic­i­pat­ed in two ser­vice projects. One was an out­reach to pris­on­ers and the oth­er was adopt­ing a fam­i­ly.

Humanism for All is a prison out­reach pro­gram run by the American Humanist Association. For the hol­i­day, mem­bers of SHoWLE wrote per­son­al hol­i­day greet­ings to incar­cer­at­ed Humanists. We sent out a total of 30 let­ters.

“They have strict rules with mail at a prison,” SHoWLE President Douglas Berger said. “We could­n’t use any col­ored paper or any­thing with glit­ter because the pos­si­bil­i­ty of mail­ing con­tra­band, so we were lim­it­ed to plain sheets of paper and a few tem­plates we print­ed out from the AHA”

Even though a Humanist may be in prison they are still humans and deserve basic dig­ni­ty and worth no mat­ter what crime they com­mit­ted. Holiday greet­ings are a nice thing to do for peo­ple. It shows they aren’t for­got­ten.

The sec­ond project SHoWLE did was adopt­ing a fam­i­ly through Lucas County Children Services. Through dona­tions we col­lect­ed gifts for a rel­a­tive care­giv­er and two boys. Some mem­bers shopped for gifts and sev­er­al mem­bers donat­ed cash for the cause.

“I was pleased at the response to the Adopt-A-Family project,” Berger com­ment­ed. “It’s a good thing that we could give a good hol­i­day for a fam­i­ly that is strug­gling.”

President Berger did want to stress an impor­tant point.

“People and fam­i­lies who are strug­gling need help all year, not just at the hol­i­days. SHoWLE will strive to par­tic­i­pate in ser­vice projects through the year that we devel­op or based on ideas mem­bers share with us.”

Feel free to send us your ideas though our con­tact form.

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