We Made A Mistake

Thanks to a mem­ber, we found out we had a mis­take in our trea­sury report­ing. It involved how we report­ed dona­tions com­ing from peo­ple using PayPal. No dona­tions were lost, only the sum­maries we cre­at­ed did­n’t record the dona­tions as dona­tions. Fiscal Year 2020 has been cor­rect­ed where the issue occurred and sum­maries that have been updat­ed are marked with “Corrected“on our Monthly Treasury Summary page. Fiscal Year 2019 will be checked this week­end and sum­maries will be cor­rect­ed if need­ed.

Donations from peo­ple who use PayPal to donate are held by PayPal until the President or Treasurer man­u­al­ly trans­fer the funds to our bank. When the trans­fer hap­pens only the total amount held shows up as a deposit but if it was a dona­tion it does­n’t include who donat­ed or the amount.

For exam­ple, Joe Smoe donates $25 and Karen Bow donates $25 — in PayPal it is held as $50. The funds are trans­ferred to the bank as $50 and when we would run the report for the month it would show $50 income but not as a dona­tion.

The fix required cre­at­ing a spe­cial enti­ty for the deposits and then cre­at­ing a sales receipt that then had list­ed the cat­e­go­ry “dona­tions” then the per­son mak­ing the dona­tion, and then the amount. That receipt then is matched to the amount being deposit­ed in the bank.

Now when the report is cre­at­ed the $50 will show up under “Donations”.

Again no mon­ey was lost. It is just a change in how PayPal dona­tions are list­ed in our books.

If you have a ques­tions or con­cerns feel free to send us a note using our con­tact form.

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