New Membership Level Added

During our mem­bers meet­ing, I was asked about a Student rate for mem­ber­ship. I said at the time we did­n’t have a for­mal stu­dent lev­el but we would nev­er turn away a poten­tial mem­ber who could­n’t afford the cur­rent full mem­ber­ship dues.

Today I announce we now have a Student/Fixed Income mem­ber­ship lev­el. On the Join page, scroll down for the link then when you get tak­en to the sign-up page one of the lev­els avail­able at the bot­tom is for Students and those on fixed incomes.

People won’t need to ask for the spe­cial rate and will be able to select it when they sign up.

The change needs to be con­firmed by the Board so assume that lev­el has all the same ben­e­fits of the full price. If the low­er amount is still too much we also accept vol­un­teer time and dona­tions in-kind (like shar­ing a skill or donat­ing an item you aren’t using).

– Doug

President of SHoWLE

We Made A Mistake

Thanks to a mem­ber, we found out we had a mis­take in our trea­sury report­ing. It involved how we report­ed dona­tions com­ing from peo­ple using PayPal. No dona­tions were lost, only the sum­maries we cre­at­ed did­n’t record the dona­tions as dona­tions. Fiscal Year 2020 has been cor­rect­ed where the issue occurred and sum­maries that have been updat­ed are marked with “Corrected“on our Monthly Treasury Summary page. Fiscal Year 2019 will be checked this week­end and sum­maries will be cor­rect­ed if need­ed.

Continue read­ing “We Made A Mistake”
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