New Podcast Reaches Out To Toledo Secular Community

Toledo, February 5, 2020 — The Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie (SHoWLE) announces the debut of a new out­reach project for sec­u­lar peo­ple and friends in Northwest Ohio. “Glass City Humanist” is a pod­cast host­ed by SHoWLE President Douglas Berger.

“The pod­cast is where we will talk about being a Humanist from a Northwest Ohio per­spec­tive,” Douglas Berger said. “Humanists have a par­tic­u­lar world­view and val­ues and this show will edu­cate the pub­lic about all of it.”

Episodes will also include local news and infor­ma­tion of inter­est to Humanists and oth­er free­thinkers. Such as the issue sur­round­ing the Ohio EdChoice vouch­er scheme and efforts by the Ohio leg­is­la­ture to close down all the abor­tion clin­ics.

There is also a plan to inter­view, from time to time, oth­er Humanists and sec­u­lar peo­ple in Northwest Ohio and else­where about how they live a sec­u­lar Humanist life.

Social jus­tice will also be a focus.

“One of the pil­lars of Humanist val­ues is all peo­ple deserve basic worth and dig­ni­ty,” Berger said. “In order to achieve a just, peace­ful soci­ety, we all must take claims of injus­tice seri­ous­ly and ensure that those who are impact­ed most by rights-violations deter­mine the best course for­ward. Toledo and Northwest Ohio is no dif­fer­ent.”

The pod­cast won’t be a source of rev­enue at least at the start.

“If peo­ple are inter­est­ed in what our group has to say and want to donate for the show we won’t turn it down. For the fore­seable future the pod­cast will be free and com­mer­cial free. The impor­tant thing is to pro­mote SHoWLE and Humanism.”

The pod­cast will pub­lish fresh episodes on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays for the time being. The process has start­ed to place the show on dif­fer­ent pod­cast plat­forms like Apple Music and Spotify.

The first episode is an inter­view with Matt McMahon, one of the orga­niz­ers of Toledo Skeptics. It can be heard by fol­low­ing the link on the web­site:

A direct link to the episode is here: Episode 001 — Matt McMahon from Toledo Skeptics

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