As we enter our third week of a statewide shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to give you all a brief update from the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie.
All in-person meetings and events hosted by SHoWLE are postponed until the state health emergency orders are lifted. According to some estimates this may not happen until the end of April or beginning of May.
I plan to have another virtual meeting most likely on our usual meeting date of April 11th. The one we had on March 21st was well received and at least raised my mood. More details coming soon.
If need more information about what the state is doing, visit:
Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 Page
We have an outreach page that has that link and others you can use if you need assistance:
If you need assistance in navigating the state public assistance system (Unemployment, food stamps, etc…) you can reach out to Doug and/or Shawn and we can use our personal experience to help you. Send me a private note or call or text us at 419–309-8601
I know this is an extremely stressful time and the known and unknown information about the pandemic can cause extreme stress or trigger anxiety or other mental health issues. I would advise if you are struggling, please seek out some professional help.
If you have an immediate need please call:
National Suicide Prevention LifeLine
1–800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line — 4hope to 741–741
Or if you don’t have an immediate need but would like to talk to a professional, please visit:
Again, this is a once in a lifetime event (hopefully once in a lifetime) and here at SHoWLE, we want us all to get through it together, rationally and based on the science.
Take Care!