SHoWLE Group Update

As we enter our third week of a statewide shut down due to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, I want­ed to give you all a brief update from the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie.

All in-person meet­ings and events host­ed by SHoWLE are post­poned until the state health emer­gency orders are lift­ed. According to some esti­mates this may not hap­pen until the end of April or begin­ning of May.

I plan to have anoth­er vir­tu­al meet­ing most like­ly on our usu­al meet­ing date of April 11th. The one we had on March 21st was well received and at least raised my mood. More details com­ing soon.

If need more infor­ma­tion about what the state is doing, vis­it:

Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 Page

We have an out­reach page that has that link and oth­ers you can use if you need assis­tance:

If you need assis­tance in nav­i­gat­ing the state pub­lic assis­tance sys­tem (Unemployment, food stamps, etc…) you can reach out to Doug and/or Shawn and we can use our per­son­al expe­ri­ence to help you. Send me a pri­vate note or call or text us at 419–309-8601

I know this is an extreme­ly stress­ful time and the known and unknown infor­ma­tion about the pan­dem­ic can cause extreme stress or trig­ger anx­i­ety or oth­er men­tal health issues. I would advise if you are strug­gling, please seek out some pro­fes­sion­al help.

If you have an imme­di­ate need please call:

National Suicide Prevention LifeLine

1–800-273-TALK (8255)

Crisis Text Line — 4hope to 741–741

Or if you don’t have an imme­di­ate need but would like to talk to a pro­fes­sion­al, please vis­it:

Again, this is a once in a life­time event (hope­ful­ly once in a life­time) and here at SHoWLE, we want us all to get through it togeth­er, ratio­nal­ly and based on the sci­ence.

Take Care!

An image of the letter with the contents in the post above
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