SHoWLE Suspends In-Person Meetings and Events Until September 2020

There has been talk about a slow reopen­ing of the state start­ing around May 1st. The Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie believe that with­out mass on demand test­ing, reopen­ing too much too soon will be the wrong move.

If and when some busi­ness­es and oth­er pub­lic places reopen there will be social dis­tanc­ing restric­tions and oth­er reg­u­la­tions that will make us hav­ing in-person meet­ings prob­lem­at­ic.

Consulting with our Board of Directors, I have decid­ed to sus­pend in-person meet­ings and events until such time that civ­il author­i­ties allow group gath­er­ings more than 10 peo­ple and the social dis­tanc­ing rules aren’t a prob­lem for us.

I real­ly don’t see that hap­pen­ing before the fall.

Many sum­mer events have been can­celed or moved to oth­er dates and SHoWLE nor­mal­ly does­n’t meet in July and August.

I, along with the Board, will reeval­u­ate the sit­u­a­tion most like­ly in September.

In the mean­time, we will have more vir­tu­al meet­ings and try to plan some activ­i­ties we can do solo from our homes.

If you have or think you have a mem­ber­ship com­ing due in the next three months feel free to renew, if you are able, through our web­site.

I had planned to do a fundrais­er for the mon­ey need­ed to have booths at a cou­ple of sum­mer events this year. If you are able, please donate so we can hit the ground run­ning once we can safe­ly have in-person meet­ings and events.

Stay home (if you can) and stay safe

Douglas Berger — SHoWLE President