Help Us Sponsor A Family This Year

One of our com­mu­ni­ty out­reach­es we’ve done, real­ly since SHoWLE was found­ed, is spon­sor­ing a fam­i­ly through the Lucas County Children’s Services. They match us with a fam­i­ly and we donate gifts to help make their hol­i­day sea­son a mer­ry one. Now through December 8th we are col­lect­ing gifts. Check out the details below.

Please con­tact Bev at bevzilla(AT) when you plan to pur­chase or have pur­chased an item from the list below so we can avoid dupli­ca­tion. You can drop off gifts any­time and if you plan using an online store like Amazon, you can ship the item direct­ly to Bev 2133 Copley Dr. Toledo 43615.

If you wish to donate cash for the pur­chase of gifts, please vis­it this link. Cash dona­tions are tax deductible.

Child: Andrew — age 1

Requested — Toys that light up and make noise, cloth­ing (size 4t tops and bot­toms), Educational toys

Caregiver #1/Kirsten — age 23
Requested: Kitchen Items, Baby proof­ing items

Clothing size — Medium

Caregiver #2/Miyha — age 20

Requested — items for a new house

Clothing size — XL

We will be hav­ing a wrap par­ty at Bev’s house (2133 Copley Drive) on Sunday December 8th @ 1 PM. We also need a vol­un­teer who can deliv­er the gifts to LCCS by Friday Dec. 13th

If you have any ques­tions feel free to reach out to Bev.